céges szakítós e-mail-ek - CÉGES SZTORIK és HR gyűjtések

céges szakítós e-mail-ek


2009. június 27. - duna szelet


Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: Leaving


Dear All


Just a quick note to say farewell.

My 2 years in Hungary have passed very quickly and I am now moving back to the UK to take a new role based in the UK.

PK will be covering the role in the immediate future, so please give both him, LZ and the buyers your support and understanding.

It will be a tough 2nd half and you should do well if you support a Strong, Growing partner who is attracting more and more Hungarian customers every week – Only Z!

It has been a hard but hugely interesting time here during which I have learnt a lot to take back with me. I think we have achieved a lot to improve the category and leave it  far better placed to not only survive the Financial crisis but to also grow and prosper.

I thank all of you for your support and wish you good luck.


Kind Regards



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