céges szakítós e-mail-ek - CÉGES SZTORIK és HR gyűjtések

céges szakítós e-mail-ek

I would like to thank everyone for your wonderful cooperation

2017. március 20. - duna szelet


Subject: Rozloučení




Dear colleagues,


Since this week I'll pass category y l and I'll help category x, so that work with l  will be better, I would like to thank everyone for your wonderful cooperation and I hope that the same support you give the new K V, she is a new in ccc and she needs time to learn everything and be a support from you instead of me.


Working with you was pleasure for me and I hope you do not recognize differnce with our new colleague vvv. (her email 


In future please contact her and I will help her for now with everything, so please give me always to the CC.

Thank you and I wish you all success in work and personal life J


Best regards and have a nice day.


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